Canvas Mini Banners
-마이페이지>찜 목록 조회에서 확인하세요
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01. Cutting Size
: This is the trim line where the artwork will be cut/cropped off.
02. Safety Area - 3mm Margin (inward)
: All content in here will not be cropped off. Do ensure that all important content are kept within this area.
03. Working Size - 2mm Margin (outward)
: This is the bleed area whereby this portion will be trimmed away. Make sure that you fill this area with artwork background
so that there will no visible white edges in final output, as there is usually a shift of 1-2mm in printing/cutting during production.
All files are required to be submitted in the working size.
As there is usually a shift of 1-2mm in printing/cutting during production, do make sure to FILL that image all the way to the edge of the working size.
(Working size = cutting size + 2mm margin bleed on all sides)
For best printing results, we recommend to upload images with resolution of above 300dpi. If your image is of low-resolution,
you can sharpen images by increasing dpi but this will not vastly improve the sharpness, or you can print your desired image (low-res) as it is.
제품 사양 안내
갤러리나 전시장에서 활용하기 좋습니다
*사방귀퉁이의 타공위치를 확인하세요
파일 업로드는 PDF형식
간편주문 업로드는 JPG,PNG,PDF형식
후가공 추가 금액은 파일 업로드 후
마이페이지에서 확인 가능 합니다.
파일 업로드 없이 쉽게 재주문하세요.​
재주문 자세히 보기
Shipping Method