찜 목록

전체선택 삭제

톡 상담

톡상담 안내 원활한 고객응대를 위해
카카오톡 1:1 채팅 상담 일시 중단하고,
톡 상담은 챗봇 상담으로만 운영됩니다.

자세한 문의는 고객센터 1544-6698, 1:1상담으로 문의주세요.

대량 옵셋 상담 기업체, 공공기관, 도서관 등 다량의 도서, 잡지, 인쇄 및 출판이 필요하신 경우 대량 옵셋 전문 담당자와 상담하실 수 있습니다.

대량 옵셋 상담 신청

근무시간(상담 가능 시간) - 평일 09:30 ~18:00
  (식사시간 12:00 ~ 13:30)

- 토/일/공휴일 휴무

- 톡상담이 불가한 경우,
  1:1게시판에 남겨주세요.

이메일 - cs@redprinting.co.kr

입금 계좌안내 IBK 기업은행
(주식회사 베러웨이 시스템즈)


전체선택 삭제

예상 결제금액 0

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canvas banner canvas banner 하루 동안 보지 않기
Related Item To Be Purchased At Once
Multi Shapes Foam Board
Water Proof Poster
Special Postcard
It's easy to choose paper and finishing option
Create your very own promotional materials with RED Printing right now
Best 3 Paper For Leaflet
1. Rendezvous Natural 240g
Cream color premium paper with natural gloss, soft and smooth surface

2. Snow & Art Paper 250g
Commonly used paper for leaflet printing, excellent with coating effect

3. Marshmallow 262g
High quality with silky smooth textures which is compatible for various type of printing

Best 3 Special Paper For Booklet
1. Cream Woodfree Paper 100g
High quality light cream color paper which is gentle and excellent choice for booklet

2. Snow 120g
The matte surface enables Snow to produce a soft and calm ambient to the printing

3. Ensemble 130g
Well suited for colored image printing with its subtle soft texture that gives a warm sensibility
Finishing Tips
Choose Matte or Glossy coating to protect your prints
We provide different shapes folding and creasing services
Squircle Cutting
Create rounded corner for your item with squircle cutting service
Shape Cutting
Make special shapes and design for your item with our laser cutting service
Make easy tear off line for your leaflet and deliver your message direct to the customer
Applying a thin vinyl film on both sides of the paper as double protection for your item
It makes your texts and images special and more visible on the printed output