찜 목록

전체선택 삭제

톡 상담

톡상담 안내 원활한 고객응대를 위해
카카오톡 1:1 채팅 상담 일시 중단하고,
톡 상담은 챗봇 상담으로만 운영됩니다.

자세한 문의는 고객센터 1544-6698, 1:1상담으로 문의주세요.

대량 옵셋 상담 기업체, 공공기관, 도서관 등 다량의 도서, 잡지, 인쇄 및 출판이 필요하신 경우 대량 옵셋 전문 담당자와 상담하실 수 있습니다.

대량 옵셋 상담 신청

근무시간(상담 가능 시간) - 평일 09:30 ~18:00
  (식사시간 12:00 ~ 13:30)

- 토/일/공휴일 휴무

- 톡상담이 불가한 경우,
  1:1게시판에 남겨주세요.

이메일 - cs@redprinting.co.kr

입금 계좌안내 IBK 기업은행
(주식회사 베러웨이 시스템즈)


전체선택 삭제

예상 결제금액 0

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canvas banner canvas banner 하루 동안 보지 않기
band banner


how to order

1. Select your desired item from the ordering page on each menu

2. Only Adobe PDF file format is acceptable for file upload.
(For mini banners/ stickers/ buttons/ products with various shapes -JPG, PNG, PDF file format acceptable for upload)
*User can easily order items from RED Makers using own photos and texts input.

User can create artwork and save files using photoshop for printing without additional finishing, however, product that require finishing
process should be saved as PDF file after creating it with Illustrator or InDesign.
PDF files saved using MS Word, PPT, Excel are reported to be broken or resulted in distorted output, hence, we are unable to guarantee
output quality based on images displayed on the monitor screen.
Hence, please be careful and ensure correct file format are saved before upload.

Products that require file to be exported in Illustrator/ InDesign
- Scodix Business Card, Free Cutting Business Card, Scodix Card, Free Cutting Card, Tear Off Pamphlets, Door Knob
Hanger, Free Shapes Sticker, Franchise Sticker, Wristband, White Color Printing, Finishing, Shape Cutting

Acceptable PDF files exported using Photoshop after checking final cutting lines are
- Sticker (Round, Oval, Squircle)
- Button Badge (Pin, Magnet, Mirror, Bottle Opener)
*Our finishing templates are created using Illustrator; since photoshop is unable to save cutting lines, please ensure to save the image
according to the size of your artwork in PDF file format, including the working line.
In this event, the cutting lines will appear on the same layer as finishing template, please ensure both the cutting and working lines are clearly visible on the saved image before uploading your file.
You can see the cutting and working line if you download the finishing template and force open it using Photoshop.
Check the cutting line, guidance shape and please be sure to remove the guide line from the image before saving and uploading file for print.

Precautions when saving PDF files with Illustrator
- Delete Spot Color
All spot colors are automatically converted into CMYK color system.
Please ensure to delete spot color selection (in Swatch) prior to sending the file in order to produce printing with your desired CMYK color.
[How to delete Spot Color Selection]
Window > Swatches > Delete Spot Color

Upload after delete Spot Color

- Rasterize Effect
If images with various effects such as transparency and shadows is not rasterized, the effect might not show on the print output.
[How to Rasterize Image]
Select Graphic > Object > Rasterize

Upload after delete Spot Color

Precautions when saving PDF files with Photoshop
Please upload file saved with 300dpi resolution and create your artwork by deciding the width and height in millimeters (mm) when working with Photoshop.
The text font may be distorted when saving PDF file, hence, please ensure to save the text layer as image (Select Text Layer, Right Click and click “Rasterize Type”).
After converting text layer into image, please ensure to combine all layers into one by clicking Menu > Layer > Flatten Image and save as PDF in Photoshop).

When Working on Books and Brochures
It is recommended to create books and brochures using InDesign. User can select additional 5mm for Bleed (Top, Bottom, Inside, Outside) and export the file to PDF.
(Please ensure there is no Crop Marks, Registration Marks, Color Bars, etc. saved before you upload the file.)
If you like working with Photoshop or Illustrator, please ensure to include a 5mm cutting margin for each page as the 5mm will be cut off during the production to produce the book according to your desired size.
If the image is placed in the center of spread page, please ensure to include a 5mm right margin for image page on the left and 5mm left margin for image on the right page.

- When saving file for digital printing - Press Quality (Printing Use)
- Saving file for Large Format Printing – High Quality (Large Format Use)
- PDF 1.5 or above/Select Create Acrobat Layers from Top-Level Layers [> Go to Product Guide, Enquiries 1544-6698] (Please follow the
above instructions to ensure print outcome which is as close as what you may preview on screen)

Saving PDF file for Digital Printing Saving PDF file for Large FormatPrinting

3. Finishing (Scodix, Cutting, Foil, Book Binding, Folding…) Please save finishing in a different layer under the same file name as your desired
printing file in PDF format.
In addition to the print layer, you can create additional layer with your desired finishing name and add in designs for the finishing layer
(area or line) on the printing layer and save it.

Saving PDF file for Large FormatPrinting

When placing an order for products involving finishing effects, ensure all finishing and print layers are activated and visible before saving
your pdf.


Please contact us at 1544-0590 or email to support@redprinting.co.kr to find out more about our products and services.

1. With our Easy Order system, users can preview their artwork with finishing options and final file verification 5-10 minutes after file upload.

2. Users can preview their artwork on My Page > Preview Item > File Verification. All information such as printing quotation, print and
finishing data will be shown on the screen.
RED quotation is automatically calculated according to the length, complexity and all cutting lines area.


3. Payment Methods
Payment Methods : Kakao Pay, Debit / Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Cash Deposit (ATM), PayPal.
Bank Information :
- Bank : IBK Bank
- Account Number : 513-027986-01-015
- Account Holder : Betterway Systems Co., Ltd.

4. Exchange / Return / Refund

- Red Printing reserves the right to decide for reprint or refund solely on its own discretion, and we reserve the right to request you to send
us back the original order at your own cost before a refund or reproduction decision is made.
- Red Printing will be responsible for any damage done to the product during shipment, and will reproduce products or items which are
damaged or lost during shipment.
- Orders with graphic and typo related mistakes are not entitled for refund or return.

1. Cancellation and refund is not possible if the order was printed correctly and delivered safely.

2. Users can preview their uploaded file or printing progress by going to My Page > My Order/ Shipping

1. If the printing file has been received and print production has commenced, a cancellation or refund is not possible.

2. Users can preview their uploaded file or printing progress by going to My Page > My Order/ Shipping.

3. Please refer to the samples in our Red Gallery for Variable Data printing. Samples include Menu Cards with different prices for different
restaurants with different colors etc.

4. For variable data printing, user can refer to various samples provided in our RED Gallery.
(e.g. Menu Cards with different prices for different restaurants, different colors, different copies, different designs’ packaging and etc.)

5. For enquiries about variable products, please contact our RED Customer Service Center @ 1544-6698

[ Color ]
- We have our own unique color management system to ensure top quality printed results. However, there may be color differences even
when using the same print file. This can happen depending on different paper conditions and different digital printing equipment.

- When submitting print files, please use CMYK only. If submitting a PDF, please follow our pdf guidelines. PANTONE and RGB will be
converted to CMYK and may appear different as they were intended. Printing Data_Actual Printout

1. RED is multi-functional where we not only print but utilizes the world’s finest finishing equipment for finishing application on our printed products

2. The finishing process is done at RED factory through automated process to ensure quick and accurate work

3. Types of RED Finishing
- Coating (Glossy / Matte)
- Scodix (Epoxy (Transparent UV) Processing)
- Perforation
- Laser Shape Cutting (One Cut / Kiss Cut / Creasing / Stitching)
- General Shape Cutting (Finishing / Kiss Cut/ Creasing)
- Folding (Cutting / Creasing / Stitching)
- Binding (Perfect/ Saddle Stitching / Ring Binding)

1. RED Printing orders are dispatched at 7pm every working day (Mon-Fri).

2. We endeavour to ship most orders as quickly as possible. However, shipping time varies depending on products, finishes requirements and quantity.

3. Shipping Method : Registered Post / Quick delivery (A reachable Korean phone number is required) / Self Pick Up

4. Shipping Region: Nationwide (Including Jeju)

5. Delivery Fees
- Digital Printing: Delivery fee is 3,500won (via Korea Post), free shipping is available for certain products with orders above 30,000won
- Large format: Delivery fee is 3,500won (via Korea Post), free shipping is available for certain products with orders above 30,000won

For items over 1.2m, it is recommended to use Damas Quick Service or self-collect your item as there will be additional charges for delivery
Seongsu accessory items: Free Shipping applies to purchases over 50,000 won.

6. Delivery Details
- Orders will be produced and shipped once payment is completed.
- Additional charges may apply to rural and overseas deliveries.
- Bundle shipment is possible for orders made on the same day, depending on products.(FAQ)
- Apart from standard delivery services, sers can select motorbike courier quick delivery service.
The delivery fee varies depending on the weight/size of the product, and the distance to travel.
- Delivery time is approximately 1-2 days (excluding public holidays), and shipping schedule aries during public holidays such as Chuseok
(Korean Thanksgiving).